As it was expected, the temperature on sunday was around -15°C (5°F). I wanted to try if my camper would start and if it would, let it run idle for a while, as I drove it last time about one month ago.
My camper has glow plugs indicator light broken, so I have to use another way to determine when the glow plugs are turned off. I turn on a light above the driver's door, and when I turn the glow plugs on, the light dims a bit. When it becomes bright again, I know that it's the time to use the starter.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Camper vs Frost
Krzysztof Lis
5:08 AM
Tags: camper trips
Friday, December 18, 2009
First frosts this winter
It's not weird that in december temperature in Poland drops below zero centigrade (32°F), but every year we have the same set of events that clearly proves the winter has arrived. It's cold (today it was -12°C = 10°F), 5 cm (2 in) snow fell on the ground, and we have a lot of traffic jams in most of Polish towns and cities.
I wanted to take my bus for a ride to visit my lot on sunday, but I am not sure if I will do it. I am not sure if I want to leave my apartment on the forecasted -15°C (5°F), and if I do, I am not sure if my camper will start.
I added anti-freeze liquid to my windscreen washer fluid, so I hope it didn't freeze yet. The pump leaks somewhere, so after I turn it off washer fluid remaining in the lines and nozzles flows back to the tank. Because of that I am not afraid of freezing in the lines or nozzles.
Krzysztof Lis
9:34 AM
Tags: general
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New alternator installed in august
In august, just couple days after we came back from the first part of our camping holidays, I had to replace the alternator. The summary of this camping trip is still waiting to be translated, along with first part of more detailed description. I also didn't write about this alternator change, this text also is waiting to be translated... I am sure at some moment I will be update this blog with those posts.
Krzysztof Lis
10:28 AM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Things I hate on polish camping sites
This text was posted on the polish version of this blog on August 29th.
Since I remember, almost every holiday I spent with my parents consisted of a camping journey. Because of that, I visited many campsites, both in Poland and abroad, in Germany, Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Polish campgrounds, compared to the ones I saw abroad, don't look well. And since I visited this year another five polish campsites, I want to pour here all my feelings about them.
This is the full and complete list of all the things and occasions I dislike about polish campsites.
Krzysztof Lis
12:58 PM
Tags: camper trips
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Gel batteries removed
When I bought the gel batteries couple months ago, I was lectured on how to work with them to extend their lifespan. I was told that gel batteries don't like to be exposed to temperatures below 5°C (41°F). This is important at the moment, when the temperature is going to drop below that threshold for a long time.
Because of that, I took the gel batteries from the camper to the basement in the building I live in. I had to disconnect all the wires that were bolted to those batteries, but that was not difficult.
I am supposed to charge them once a month. I brought the charger along, but I am not sure if I can find any electrical socket in my basement...
I must figure two things out:
- there is no lighter socket in the dashboard I have, and the extra sockets I use were connected to those batteries,
- I carry one small solar panel installed in my camper's window, but at this moment it does not charge anything -- maybe I can use it to charge the starter battery?
Krzysztof Lis
12:03 PM
Tags: camping equipment
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Heater core replaced
I spent over an hour to find out how this small radiator installed inside the automobile, used for heating the interior is called. ;)
Yesterday it took me almost 8 hours to replace the heater core in my camper, with a bit of help from Tomek, the guy I mentioned here a lot. The old heater core needed to be replaced, because I believed it was leaking cooling liquid. Because of that, the fan blew some steam to the inside of the camper when the heating was turned on, and the liquid dripped to the interior, as shown on this photo...
Krzysztof Lis
9:32 PM
Friday, October 2, 2009
Holiday 2009/2 -- summary
This is the summary of the second part of our camping holiday we had this year, at the end of august. I know I still have to write about the first part of the holiday, and I promise to do it in the near future.
Our first destination was Poznań, from there we wanted to go south.
Krzysztof Lis
9:56 AM
Tags: camper trips
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The camper is going to be repaired
Not today, but soon, I hope. Not that something is terribly wrong with the camper and I need it now. Nothing's changed since the summer holiday (and how could anything change if I didn't drive the camper since coming home from the holiday?), it leaks a bit of oil, and the gearbox makes weird noises when I use 2nd and 3rd gears.
I will drive the camper to the guy who will fix it next week, I spoke with him on monday and he asked me to phone him again the next friday (as he has a lot of work to do). I will ask him to fix the gearbox, and some less important stuff (the oil leaks, the small thing that was supposed to be connected to the injection pump but isn't, the glow plugs and oil pressure indicator lights and the fan on the radiator).
Krzysztof Lis
11:57 AM
Tags: repairs
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Solar power 1
This is an english translation of an article that was posted originally on the polish version of this blog on june 22nd.
With a bit of help from my father-in-law I managed to work on my solar power system couple days ago. Today I finally managed to write a post about it with some photos and schemes. I want to describe the current status of the solar power system, and to write a bit about the future of the system.
According to our plans, we're going on the first part of our summer holiday on july 6th, the next monday. I don't have much time to finish the work with supplying all the electrical devices with electricity from the solar panels.
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
On the second solar panel my father in law soldered two connectors -- male and female, one will be used to supply power to the charge controller and the second to connect the two panels together (parallely).
Here you can see the cable from the panel connected to the one from charge controller.
The solar panels aren't attached to the roof yet. In order to use them, I'll have to manually put them in sunny place...
...and connect together. This was the best I could do. Until they're permanently fixed to the roof, I won't connect them permanently to the charge controller.
To be honest, I have two independent solar power systems. Two sets of batteries, two charge controllers, two sets of solar panels. The scheme of all this looks the following:

On the left hand side of the drawing you can see the new solar power system: two solar panels, 40 W each, and two gel batteries, 38 Ah capacity each. On the right hand side, the old solar power system, the old solar panel (10 W), old charge controller and old battery. At the moment, all the appliances (shown as an icon of electrical bulb) are connected to the old battery, using quadruple cigarette lighter socket.
"reg.ład." is a short for regulator ładowania -- solar charge controller.
I want to add a couple of extra parts to the system and make it look the following:

The most important part of this system is the set of two gel batteries, charged with the two solar panels. To this solar charge controller I will connect all the camping appliances: radio, lights, fridge, water pump. The older part of the system will work as emergency energy source, will be connected manually to the rest of the system.
Directly to the batteries I will also connect:
- inverter, shown as 12-230, that will supply 230V AC power to my laptop computer and TV tuner,
- gel battery charger, shown as 230-12, that will charge the batteries whenever I will have the 230V power supplied to the camper from external source,
- additional battery charge controller, SLA40, that will start charging the gel batteries when the alternator makes enough electricity.
Most of the appliances must be connected via charge controller, that will disconnect them when the voltage in the battery drops below safe level. The inverter has this security measure built-in, so it might be connected to the batteries directly.
I already have the inverter, the 230V charger and new wire to connect it all (4mm² cross-section area - 12 gauge!).
Krzysztof Lis
12:57 AM
Tags: additions, camping equipment, photos
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
First night in camper this season
At first I wanted to give this post a title "First night in camper this summer", but ten I realized we still have spring in Poland -- the summer will start in next week. The weather shows also we don't have summer yet.
On the last (long) weekend we planned to spend a night in the camper, on my piece of land. The idea was to go there on the friday afternoon and stay there till sunday evening. On thursday I finished connecting solar panels and gel batteries (I'll write it in detail in a couple of days, at the moment you can only check the photos in the gallery) to have more electricity.
The weather on friday was nice. It rained a bit in the evening, just for a couple of minutes, and the sunset was almost cloud-free.
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
We didn't have any specific plans for that evening, so after we ate supper (shown on the photo), we went to sleep.
The night was chilly, but we were prepared. As we expected a temperature drop to 12°C (54°F), we prepared warm clothes for night.
At 4 AM it started to rain. It didn't stop until 11 AM. After we woke up we decided to take all the stuff back and leave -- we did so soon after eating breakfast.
It wasn't the best time to start the season. But hey, every other weekend from now on has to be better, right?
Krzysztof Lis
2:38 PM
Tags: camper trips, photos
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Preparing solar panels
As I mentioned here already, I plan to power all my camping electric needs with solar power. That's why I bought two 40 W solar panels with solar charge controller in february. Since we plan to spend three days living in camper during this weekend (starting on friday), I need to put everything together. Even if it all will be only temporary.
On monday I bought two gel batteries, 38 Ah capacity each. They look just like ordinary car batteries, only the connectors are different. Even the weight is similar -- those weigh 13 kg (29 lbs) each.
![]() |
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
A bit about the cables I used here. The solar charge controller's manual recommends using a cable that has area of cross section of 4 mm2 (AWG 12), but I only had 2x0,75 mm2 cable for loudspeakers. So I used two pairs of this cable, removed the isolation from the ends and twisted the wires together. When I buy the proper cable, I'll connect it to the small parts of the cables I soldered now.
To the end of the cable from the solar panel I soldered a male connector used in RC toys and airsoft replicas. The connector is supposed to withstand the current of even 30 A, a lot more than I plan to put through it. 30 A with 12 V voltage is over 3 kW, and my solar panels give only 90 W (2x40 W and a small 10 W panel).
The female connector I soldered to the cable from the solar charge controller. I bought this cable yesterday, not the one I would like to have, but I had simply no choice. When I buy the proper cable, I'll simply replace it.
The same cable will be used to connect the charge controller to the batteries. I connected two pairs of wires to the controller as the batteries will be connected paralelly.
I left two things to do tomorrow in the camper:
- solder the connectors to the cables attached to the solar panel I have in camper,
- find a place for the batteries,
- connect the controller with the batteries.
Krzysztof Lis
7:19 AM
Tags: additions, camping equipment, expenses, photos
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I am buying a third vanagon
If everything goes right, soon I will have three Vanagons. This one will make my dreams come true. :)
From the very first time I started to like vans, I always preferred the ones that had two rows of seats and open cargo space. In Volkswgagen Transporter language -- the Dokas. About a year ago I wrote here, that if I was to buy VW T3 then, it'd be a doka. And we are buying one now. :)
It was found, as usual, by Tomek. Together we'll have four Volkswagens. The frequency of new purchases increases in time, the last one was bought about a month ago while the second -- about two years ago.
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
As you can see, it has aircooled ("fan") gasoline engine. And it's supposed to have the longest four-speed gearbox there is. It will be used by my wife's company, and I plan to use it to install wood gas generator on it. The camper is not suitable, 'cause it has diesel engine and no space to install the generator.
Some things need to be fixed, but I didn't expect anything less.
Krzysztof Lis
11:41 AM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The second biodiesel purchase
So I bought biodiesel again, in the same place, for the same price as last time. But today petrodiesel was 0.70 PLN more expensive per liter ($0.22 per liter, $0.83 per gallon).
The fuel efficiency was 7.6 liter per 100 km (31 MPG), slightly better than the long-term average. Biodiesel, keep up the good work!
Krzysztof Lis
1:44 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Spring cleaning of the camper
Last Saturday I did some cleanup in the camper with Ania. To be honest, it was very peculiar cleanup.
The idea was to prepare the camper to make some photos of the camping equipment. For 3 years I never had a chance to make good photos of the fridge, sink, stove, cupboards, etc. If I made any photo, there was some unnecessary stuff on it as well. So that had to be done.
First of all, we removed all the stuff that’s driving there with us:
- two foldable chairs,
- a shovel,
- a foldable shovel,
- a scepter (in parts),
- 25 liters of peat,
- two water bottles of 5-l capacity,
- aluminum fuel canister, with 20 l of petrodiesel,
- five airsoft replicas,
- helmet and protective eyewear for airsoft games,
- engine oil,
- machete,
- chainsaw,
- fuel and oil for the saw,
- blankets and sleeping bags,
- and some other stuff.
I also carry in the camper a lot of gardening tools, for a purpose, so I don’t have to take them with me every time I work on my piece of ground.
All the stuff mentioned above doesn’t have its place in the cupboards or the "trunk" (the two stashes below the bed). There’s no space left...
In the large stash I have:
- toolbox,
- two small boxes with some electrical equipment (wires, bulbs, connectors),
- air compressor,
- towing cable,
- starter cable,
- some spare parts, like fuel filter and old indicator lights,
- wires of different length,
- lift,
- bottle of windscreen washer fluid.
The small stash holds:
- working clothes,
- fuel tank (10 l of biodiesel),
- 5 liters of distilled water,
- cooling liquid,
- fire extinguisher,
- second towing cable,
- emergency triangle.
We threw all the unnecessary stuff out, washed the dishes along with the sink and stove, found some interesting stuff below the driver’s and passenger’s seats, made some photos and put everything back to the camper. But this time – in some order.
Krzysztof Lis
11:24 AM
Tags: general
Saturday, May 9, 2009
First drive on biodiesel
On Friday for the first time I bought larger volume of biodiesel. I bought it before twice, but only in small volumes – just couple of liters. First time during our very first camping trip, back in 2006. I found a petrol station that sold biodiesel and decided to try this fuel. Then I had no luck in finding biodiesel supply. And in may 2007 the engine broke down when all the water in cooling system was lost. The engine was not fixed until may next year.
Not so long ago on some of the gas stations named "Bliska" ("Close one" in English) they started selling biodiesel. One of the stations near place I live had this fuel – lately for 2.99 PLN per liter ($3.55 / gal), compared to 3.55 PLN per liter of petrodiesel. On Friday I drove by the station and bough almost 54 liters of biodiesel to almost empty fuel tank. Buying this cheaper petrodiesel replacement gave me over 9 liters for free.
Just after buying this fuel we had to drive some 80 km (50 miles). I didn’t notice any difference in engine’s performance. The van drove as usual. We’ll see the mileage. The odometer is broken again, but I will try to note all the trips using GPS.
I just have to do two things:
- buy fuel filter, as the biodiesel is a good solvent and will quickly dissolve all the impurities in the fuel tank and fuel lines,
- check if the fuel lines are in good shape, as the biodiesel also dissolves some plastics.
Krzysztof Lis
11:22 AM
Tags: camper trips, general
Thursday, May 7, 2009
New stuff in my camper
Last week we had the last wednesday of april. The last wednesday of each month is a time when group of VW T3 (T25 / Vanagon) owners from Warsaw meet at 8 PM. As Tomek already has his T3, we decided to attend the meeting for the first time. I drove my camper to work in the morning and at 4 PM (after work) drove to Tomek. We wanted to install a couple of things to my camper, scavenged from my second Volkswagen -- a red/cherry multivan I bought two years ago to donate its engine and gearbox.
First of all, I wanted to install the speedometer with odometer. The one I have in my camper was broken -- I fixed it but it broke down again. We couldn't swap them as the wire that makes the odometer work was connected to my speedometer with thread and the one from multivan had only snap connection. We will also change the wires in near future. When the meters were removed, Tomek installed me two small details -- parking break indicator and one small green light that is supposed to indicate something when you tow a trailer. They were not connected, though. We plan on replacing the entire front board with the one from the multivan -- it is of very nice brown color, with light brown upholstery on the floor and air distribution canal between the seats. For now we only took the steering wheel from the multivan and installed it into my camper -- now I have smaller, thinner brown wheel with large button for car horn. The one I had before had the button broken.
I also replaced the two little thingies that hold the foldable shades above the windscreen. Unfortunatelly I have no idea what are the names of both. The camper had those thingies broken, so it needed to be replaced.
I scavenged a fluorescent light from the multivan and will install it soon to the camper's roof cupboard (the one above the bed). It'll be used for reading and in case of emergency repairs of the engine.
And finally -- I got another (3rd) chrome hubcap. I need only one more -- this one was found by Tomek's fiancee.
I will post here photos when I resurrect my Picasa and upload those photos to the web album.
Today I checked the pressure of the summer tires I installed recently. As usual it was well below the correct value. It should be 2.7 and 3.3 atmospheres on the front and rear axle and was 2.0 on both of them. Now it's 3.0 and 3.5, respectively, as I always liked to inflate the tires a bit more than the recommended pressure. It helps to save fuel. ;)
Krzysztof Lis
11:20 AM
Tags: additions, camping equipment
Friday, April 17, 2009
I washed the camper
To be more specific -- I paid for car wash. ;) I have a car wash close to the place I park my camper, so having a day off today I drove my camper there to have it washed.
I paid 25 PLN ($7.33) for 40 minutes of two guys' work. The camper looked that great two years ago, just after the paint job. ;)
![]() |
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
The removed all the dirt, but they also removed some paint from the place where the two sheets of metal are connected on the left part of the camper's body.

I now am wondering what to do to protect this spot from instantaneus rusting.
Krzysztof Lis
3:10 AM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Tomek's T3 Syncro
Last sunday we went with Tomek to Alwernia to buy a T3 (Vanagon) Syncro bus for him. The decision was made briefly, on previous evening. He then called the guy who posted an ad on the internet and they decided to meet on sunday. On sunday evening the red T3 Syncro was bought.
Yesterday Tomek and his fiancee Magda visited us with their bus. It was the first time the two T3's stood near, so we made their first photo together.
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
Besides the 4WD and 5 speed gearbox (4 standard gears from 1 to 4 plus G gear -- something similar to very short first gear) in the same setup I have in my gearbox (my 1st gear is his G, my 2nd is his 1st and so on) the van has a couple of cool things.
First of all, the grill with rectangular headlights, taken from my red multivan I bought two years ago for the engine and gearbox. It also has:
- meter with clock (broken),
- sun roof,
- foldable triangular windows,
- heated driver's seat!
On the same evening we went to a place where Tomek could use his 4 wheel drive. Magda made some photos, I recorded a couple of videos, they'll be posted here in future.
Krzysztof Lis
12:04 PM
Tags: camper trips, photos
Sunday, March 29, 2009
driving my new T3
At the moment I am driving a red 1989 volkswagen T3 syncro that Tomek bought for himself this evening. Since he borrowed the money from me, I may consider it to be mine. ;-)
More info in near future.
Krzysztof Lis
1:05 PM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
my son in my camper
Krzysztof Lis
4:33 AM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Front suspension repair
For some time I heard weird noises when driving on potholes (very common on polish roads and streets) from below the seat. Knocking or pounding that is. So I was aware that the front suspension would need some investments, especially since on one of previous vehicle inspections the guy told me couple of parts will soon need to be replaced.
Last week I drove the camper to one of local workshops to have the wheels changed. But since I was already there, I thought that I'll ask for inspecion of the front suspension. I was told that couple of parts need to be replaced. I left the camper there. On monday I got a phone call and the guy from the workshop told me some other parts need to be changed because they can't set the front wheels in the proper position (angles and stuff -- sorry, I don't know the jargon behind it and I left the repair manual in the camper).
I paid total of 2,000 PLN ($552) for the work and for the parts. I am not able to list here all the parts that were replaced (for the same reason as stated above), but along those parts one kingpin and two wheel bearings were changed. The old kingpin had almost no thread in one place and visible wear on one of the working surfaces.
I also paid for the vehicle inspection. With that inspection comes a funny story. They called me today in the morning to tell me that the camper is ready, but there's a small trouble with the inspection. I was told that they can't find the chassis number in the camper. I went online and checked on a discussion forum that the number was supposed to be on one of the horizontal bars of the frame of the van. To see it you need to get under the camper and look forward on the bar that goes from right to left just after the right front wheel. When I got to the workshop the camper was still on the lift so I went below, took a light and easily found the number just where it was supposed to be.
Krzysztof Lis
8:58 AM
Tags: repairs
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Winter tires bought
I wrote some time ago that I wanted to buy winter tires. So I bought them, that's why we had to go to Łódź recently.
I bought on (the polish alternative to eBay) a set of four steel wheel rims and four Barum SnoVanis 185x85xR14C tires for 400 PLN ($110). One of the tires was broken, so I called the local workshop and asked if they could sell me one such tire and install the wheels on the camper. For that tire, installing it on the rim (with balancing) and putting all the wheels on the camper I paid 254 PLN ($70).
I left the camper in the workshop for a bit longer than I planned, but I'll write about it in the near future. ;)
Krzysztof Lis
8:37 AM
Tags: camping equipment
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Winter trip to Łódź
We had to go to Łódź, a large city about 100 km from Żyrardów. So we went there. I posted a Google Map at the bottom of this post so you could better understand what I am writing about.
We left Żyrardów couple of minutes after 4 PM. It started snowing a little, we quickly found ourselves on the DK70 from Huta Zawadzka to Skierniewice. The asphalt was dry and the snow left small wet trails on the road. As we passed Skierniewice (DW705) the road was wet, with small portions of snow blown by the wind from the adjacent fields. On the DK72 from Jeżów the snow was all over the asphalt. When we arrived in Łódź, the road had only two narrow black stripes of asphalt free from snow. And in the Łódź itself, the roads were covered completely with snow.
We did what we had to do in Łódź, we left at 7:20 PM back to Żyrardów.
On the road that leads to Rawa Mazowiecka there's the M1 shopping centre. I found there Neste A24 gas station and bought there 19,78 litres (5,2 gal) of diesel fuel. And I wrote down the odometer. I just couldn't believe that I drove only 100 km (60 miles) and used almost 20 litres of fuel (that would give me fuel consumption of something close to 12 MPG). Couple kilometers further the mystery was revealed -- the odometer stopped working some time ago.
The road back was similar -- snow all over the road, two black stripes, no snow at all. It was snowing all the time, we drove the 95 km (59 miles) for almost 3 hours.
That part of the trip was not free of surprises. I had warm air blown on the windscreen, but the windscreen wipers collected snow that turned to ice. I didn't bother until as the windscreen was still clean as the snow somehow didn't melt on it. But when I finally needed the wipers and turned them on, only one moved. The other was frozen to the windscreen. I stopped and removed the ice, but less than 10 km later the wipers were frozen again.
Show larger map
Krzysztof Lis
10:53 AM
Tags: camper trips
Friday, February 20, 2009
Buying winter tires
Today my daewoo lanos (the car I use every day) couldn't start when at -6,6°C the battery didn't supply enough current to the starter. So I had to drive to the railway station (I go to work by train) with the camper (the van I use on weekends). The camper had no trouble starting at all. I just turned the ignition switch, waited 20 seconds for the glow plugs to warm the engine and started it easily.
I only had small trouble parking the van near the train station. I couldn't drive left front wheel on the sidewalk through the curb as it just slid along it's frozen surface. I had to back up a little and cross the curb in another place.
I think I will buy a set of winter tires. Not because driving on snow and mud in winter on summer tires is dangerous. I had trouble with the camper only once, when the rear wheels lost the grip as I changed the gear (used clutch too fast). I am aware of those dangers so I drive slowly. But I want to buy those tires because I want to avoid getting stuck in snow. ;)
Krzysztof Lis
2:20 AM
Tags: additions
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Solar panels for my camper
I wrote here several times that I have solar panel and solar charge controller connected to second battery in my camper. They all are parts of my solar camping set. But solar photovoltaic panel able to give only 10 W peak power is not enough to fuel all my electrical needs in the camper.
So I bought two additional solar panels, 40 W power each. And another solar charge controller, as the one I have would not be able to manage the current from those panels.
They were brought here on thursday, wrapped in bubble wrap, cardboard box and black plastic. When I cut throught all the layers I saw the following:
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
Krzysztof Lis
3:27 AM
Tags: camping equipment, photos
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I got stuck in the snow
Nothing what I wouldn't expect. I still have summer tires (or are they year-round? I'm not sure) and there was snow everywhere.
I took my wife Ania to visit my piece of land. It's got very peculiar shape -- 17 meters (56 ft) wide, 430 meters (1/4 mile) long. The camping place is in the middle of the estate. Every time we go there, we drive to that camping place and camp there. This was the idea today, as well -- to go there and do the usual stuff, i.e. check if everything is in the right place. Everything = trees, bush, etc. ;) I was going to turn around there as I do usually.
But I couldn't do it this time. The camping place is not perfectly flat, and I had some trouble with tires losing their grip on the wet grass. This time it was even worse.
Luckilly I had a shovel in the camper (I always carry a folded one, but this time I had an ordinary shovel as well), I managed to free the camper from that place.
Here's a photo of the mess I left. Of course I had to drive back the 200 meters using only mirrors. :(
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
Krzysztof Lis
1:01 PM
Tags: camper trips, photos
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Cool stuff on eBay: hubcaps
With this article I'd like to start a series of posts on cool Vanagon stuff on eBay. Today part one of the series: the hubcaps.
VW TYPE 1 2 3 4 HUB CAPS BEETLE BUS vanagon GHIA late
Only $79 for a set of four. Shipping to Poland -- not specified.
Beautiful set of chrome wheel rim trim rings. Those are used to decorate the outher part of the rim. You can even see the notch for the valve. A set does cost $39. Shipping to Poland is $50.
All those hubcaps and rings are for standard 14 inch Volkswagen steel wheel rims.
Krzysztof Lis
11:26 AM
Tags: additions, cool stuff
Sunday, January 4, 2009
So far it does drive
From Volkswagen Transporter T3 |
As you can see on the picture above, the camper handles winter well. I mean... it does work! A real winter will come to Poland in just a couple of days, today it was just a couple degrees below zero centigrade and a bit of snow.
I remember the first winter when I owned this van. I remember being worried if the car will start the next morning. You can see this anxiety in some of my previous posts, like this one: Was it too cold for my old diesel?? Now, since the camper has a new engine, it does start in such conditions. Soon after it's started it coughs a little (I don't push the throttle as I know that it takes some time for oil to lubricate every part of the engine after it's started and I don't want to add any extra wear).
I think I won't be using the Vanagon for the next couple of weeks. And it's not the frost I am worried. I just don't want the salt* to rust every possible part of my van's chassis.
* Salt is being used in Poland to help cleaning the snow off the streets. It literally melts it, but also helps the rust to eat our cars.
Krzysztof Lis
11:51 AM
Tags: photos